Course image Medical Terminology
Second Semester

This Medical Terminology course will be helpful for any career that uses medical terminology such as medical coding, health information technology, medical transcription, working as a health care professional, or working in the administrative side of health care.

Course image Medical Physiology for Nursing (theory)
Second Semester

This course is designed to provide the nursing students with basic theoretical and laboratory knowledge about different human provides information about the mutual interaction between cells, tissues, and organs of these systems in performing their functions and maintaining the internal environment in a stable condition.

Course image English Language for Nursing II
Second Semester

The oxford English for careers nursing I book covers different topics and involves the language used in a variety of nursing contexts, such as the hospital ream, in and around the hospital, accidents and emergencies, pain, symptoms. Caring or the elderly, nutrition and obesity. The book is designed to meet the language needs of nursing students who learn English to use it for communication in a specific professional situation. It focuses on developing the four language skills (e.g. speaking, listening, writing and reading) as well as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Course image Fundamental of nursing (theory)
Second Semester

Fundamentals of Nursing is the first nursing class you will take to begin the nursing program. The skills you learn in this course will provide the foundation for the many nursing responsibilities you will assume throughout your career as both a nurse and a student. 

Course image Fundamental of Nursing (Practical)
Second Semester
This course will introduce the fundamentals of nursing care for selected
health problems and the safe demonstration of this care in hospitals, including
the activities of daily living and variations of such activities across the
lifespan. This course is designed to introduce the beginning student to the
following concepts: Quality and Safety for Nurses (QSEN) Initiative
incorporating patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, safety,
quality improvement and informatics; the nursing process; and the Categories of
Patient Needs.