Research in simplest terms is searching for knowledge and searching for truth. In formal sense it is a systematic study of a problem attacked by a deliberately chosen strategy which starts with choosing an approach to preparing blue print (design) acting upon it in terms of designing research hypotheses, choosing methods and techniques, selecting or developing data collection tools, processing the data, interpretation and ends with presenting solution/s of the problem
Course name:medical sociology
At the end of this
course the students will identfiy to:
introduction medical sociology
The study of social relationships
The Social Demography of Health
– Patient Relationship
Sociology of Health ,Health, Illness, and Healing
behavior and the sick role
healing process
Social Stress
The Social Implications of Advanced Health Care
This course aims to equip pediatric nursing
students with basic skill, knowledge and practices related to
pediatric nursing to provide nursing care for children at different age group
from birth to adolescent during health and illness
Maternal-newborn and child health nursing are expanding
areas as a result of the broadening scope of practice within
the nursing profession and the recognized need for better
preventive and restorative care in these areas. The importance
of this need is reflected in the fact that many of the
health goals for the nation focus on these areas of nursing.
الهدف من دراسة
حقوق الانسان ..
1- توعية الطالب وتمكينه من فهم التطور التاريخي لحقوق الانسان
واصولها في العصور القديمة وفي الشريعة الاسلامية .
2- مناقشة مفاهيم ومبادئ حقوق الانسان في القانون الدولي , وتقدير
الحقوق الفردية والجماعية بغض النظر عن الاختلاف العرقي أو الدين أو الجنس أو
السياسة أو المعتقد.
3- الوقوف على اهم وسائل حماية حقوق الانسان من الانتهاك
,قانونية كانت ,قضائية , أم سياسية
1- توعية الطالب وتمكينه من فهم التطور التاريخي لحقوق الانسان واصولها في العصور القديمة وفي الشريعة الاسلامية .
2- مناقشة مفاهيم ومبادئ حقوق الانسان في القانون الدولي , وتقدير الحقوق الفردية والجماعية بغض النظر عن الاختلاف العرقي أو الدين أو الجنس أو السياسة أو المعتقد.
3- الوقوف على اهم وسائل حماية حقوق الانسان من الانتهاك ,قانونية كانت ,قضائية , أم سياسية
- General objectives :-
- The pupil can be able to know the general information about the maternity nursing.
- * Specific objectives:-
1- Anatomy and physiology of reproductive system.
2- Normal pregnancy, stages of pregnancy, normal labor and abnormal labor.
3- Complication of labor.
4- Puerperium and complication of puerperium.
5- Obstetrical examination and gynecology.
6- Newborn baby characteristics.
7- Lactation and complication of lactation.
8- Antenatal care.English for Nurses course enables nursing students to learn the English they need to complete their studies and use English in the workplace.
English for Nurses covers the language used in a wide range of nursing scenarios, from introductions to discussing pain, pressure area care, breathing difficulties, infection control, to managing IV therapy, falls and injuries, to administering medications, post-operative and end-of-life care.
It includes extensive work on medical terminology, patient and staff interactions, hospital language and much more. Students work on every aspect of medical language, including pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and functional skills.
يتطلب احترام وحماية حقوق الانسان ترسيخ قيم الحرية والعدالة والمساواة وتطبيق مبدأ سيادة القانون وتعزيز المشاركة السياسية , وهي ذاتها عناصر اساسية لتحقيق ( الديمقراطية) , وبدورها توفر الديمقراطية البيئة الطبيعية المناسبة واللازمة لحماية حقوق الانسان واعمالها بالشكل المطلوب , وقد كفلت العديد من الاعلانات والاتفاقات الدولية لحقوق الانسان مجموعة من القيم والمبادئ والحقوق التي تشكل قاعدة اساسية للديمقراطية , لذلك فان الهدف المنشود من تحقيق الديمقراطية وتطبيقها يعتبر عامل رئيسي في اعمال حقوق الانسان الفردية والجماعية وترسيخ مفاهيم الحرية والديمقراطية في حياة الطالب الشخصية والاجتماعية , وتحديد مسؤوليته وابراز دوره كمواطن له الحق في انتخاب القادة في بلاده .
Biostatistics are the development and application of statistical methods to a wide range of topics in biology. It encompasses the design of biological experiments, the collection and analysis of data from those experiments and the interpretation of the results.
In correlation with nursing, statistical principles helps nurses understand and evaluate the results of health care studies. It also enables them to participate in medical research projects and communicate the results of biostatistical research to patients and other health care workers in ways that are easy for them to understand. The analytical and interpretive concepts underlying biostatistics correspond to many advanced nursing practices, including the creation of more efficient care delivery systems and the development of individualized care strategies intended to improve patient outcomes.
Course name: nutrition and diet therapy
Course stage: third .
Credit Hours: 2 hours per week
Course Calendar: Total (30) hours per 15 Week (Theory (2) hrs.
Teacher name: Zahraa A. ALthabet
Certificate: MSc. Biotechnology
After the Completion of the Course students would be able to:
• Know the fundamental principles of human nutrition.
• Identify the relationship between nutrition and body energy.
• Recognize the specification and functions of different nutritional elements.
• Understand the importance of applied nutrition (curative) as an essential part of the nursing care.
• Assess types of nutrition according to the category of clients.
• Assist in helping client adopt and enjoy eating the prescribed food.
Clinical related skills/ if present …
use all available method for make the information reach to the student.
Clinical teaching methods
By visit the primary health care to teach the student how to deal with clients and patient.
Methods of teaching (theory)
Direct interview with student to explain.
Use the video or other method.
Methods of evaluation
-Daily quiz.
-weekly report and seminar.
-Monthly test.
-Final test.
Resources and references:
- Nutrition_and_Biochemistry_for_Nurses_2009_Anthikad_PDF_UnitedVRG.pdf
- Nursing Manual of Nutrition and Therapeutic Diet by TK Indran Sheila Tucker Boston College
This course aims to equip pediatric nursing students with basic concepts, principles,
knowledge and practices related to pediatric nursing to provide nursing care for
children at different age group from birth to adolescent during Wellness and illness