This course presents concepts underlying professional nursing practice and assists the students in developing their own roles and concepts.
A major focus of this course for students is to critically think about the nursing profession, historical and theoretical framework, moral and legal issues, and standards of nursing practice.
In addition, students will be provided with information and tools that nurses and nursing can use to confront health and healthcare challenges.
This course defines the concept of health promotion and explains why it essential for nursing students to embed health promotion aims and values within their practice. It goes on to discuss how health promotion contributes to the improvement and maintenance of population health and the contemporary public health agendas in the worldwide.
The roots of epidemiology can be traced to Hippocrates, a Greek physician
who lived from about 460 to 375 BCE and who is sometimes referred to as the first
epidemiologist. Hippocrates and other members of the Hippocratic School believed
that disease not only affects individuals but also affects the masses. This was one of
the earliest associations of the occurrence of disease with lifestyle and environmental
factors, specifically geographic location (Lawson & Williams, 2001). Not until the
late 19th century however, did modern epidemiology come into existence
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related
states or events in specified populations, and the application of this study to the
control of health problems.
At the end of this course the students will be able to:
1 present the history of epidemiology
2 Define the different meanings of epidemiology
3 Understand the causal inferences and advocacy
4 Apply the measures of epidemiology
5 Understand the disease process, the epidemiological model, infection and life expectancy
6 Understand the control of communicable diseases strategies, and occupational epidemiology
7 Realize the definition, types and advantages of incubation period.
8 Understand how to apply the epidemiological
This course is designed to increase the students' level of understanding and orientation toward the family and the community health nursing related issues. Throughout this course, the students can present the family and the community with reasonable nursing care when the nursing process is applied and the students' role as care providers is performed.
Nursing leadership and management are healthcare fields that require a high level of knowledge and expertise. Although this quality and others are similar between nursing leadership and nursing management, these two roles differ in several aspects. The variations between a nursing leader and a nurse manager include differences in the responsibilities they take on, the credentials they possess and the tasks they perform and in this course, we define nursing leadership and management roles, explain the major differences between the two and discuss the qualities of successful nursing leaders and managers.
At the end of this course the students will identfiy to:
Psychology and Health Psychology
Stress and Health
علم النفس الصحي هو دراسة علاقة العوامل النفسية والسلوكيات بالصحة، وبالمرض والعناية الصحية. بمعنى أخر، يدرس باحثي هذا العلم عن العوامل النفسية التي تؤدي للمرض أو لعلاج الأمراض.
تعريف علم النفس الصحي بأنه إجمالي المساهمات التعليمية والعلمية والمهنية المحددة
لفرع علم النفس في تعزيز الصحة والحفاظ عليها ، والوقاية من الأمراض وعلاجها ،
وتحديد الارتباطات الإكلينيكية والتشخيصية للصحة والمرض و اي خلل ذي صلة
This course is designed to increase the students' level of understanding and orientation toward critical care nursing-related issues. Throughout this course, the students can present critical care patients with reasonable nursing care when the nursing process is applied and the students' role as care providers is performed.
English Level IV aims to consolidate and build upon English Level III objectives. In addition, learners are introduced to higher level English language skills with special emphasis on preparing and presenting term papers. Students will understand main common medical terminologies used in health field. While effective communication is still the main goal, language accuracy becomes an increasingly important aspect at this level.
Course name:
mental health nursing
Clinical related skills/ -Orientation to the clinical area. -Orientation to the admission and discharge Procedures. -Demonstration for patient assessment: .taking history .physical examination .mental status examination |
Clinical teaching methods -Lecture -Disscussin |